Nelit RPG

2d role playing game


[2008-08-15]: Version 0.3.8-rc1 released. Changelog
[2008-08-12]: Updated code of this page. Added opengl renderer to nRPG-Core (Now it is a main renderer). MS Windows port will be available soon.
[2008-07-19]: Version 0.3.7-1 released. Changelog. In few words, I've added a path find algorithm, simple HUD and save/load support and support zoom in SpritEdit. Also I've fixed all memory leaks.
[2008-07-02]: Version 0.3.6 released. See changelog for see new things.
[2008-06-09]: I have started creating site for NelitRPG.


NelitRPG - role playing game in nelit world for POSIX operation systems. It is Slash and Hack game style, like Diablo and Dungeon Siege.
Game use 2d graphic and no music. Ofcource, I'll add some sounds. For graphic I choosen X11/XShm and for music - OpenAL. Font engine based on Freetype2. Also I included iniparser, that was wrote by Nicolas Devillard.
NelitRPG is a free software (GNU GPLv3 as license).

Current version: 0.3.7-1
Development version: 0.3.8-rc1


NelitRPG 0.3.7-1
Source code [0.3.7-1] (.tar.bz2)

NelitRPG 0.3.8-rc1
Source code [0.3.8-rc1] (.tar.bz2)
Source code [0.3.8-rc1] (.tar.gz)
Binary win32 [0.3.8-rc1] (.zip)

Source code

You can download source code from subversion repository, just enter next command in your console:
svn co nelitrpg
If you want only lastest code add "/trunk" to the HTTPS URL.


NelitRPG settings window NelitRPG in game


Boldyrev Alexander Alexandrovich

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